
7th Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) Exercise-2024

Mujeeb UR Rehman 6 months ago

The 7th International Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) Exercise-2024 was inaugurated on February 25-27, 2024, at the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) in Pabbi.

Director General Military Training launched the 60-hours-long patrolling exercise, which aims to improve military-to-military cooperation in a complex international security environment.

Twenty friendly countries and military observers will attend the event. Major participants include Pakistan, Bahrain, Jordan, Kazakhstan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Maldives, Morocco, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, the United States of America, and Uzbekistan. Military observers from Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Myanmar, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, and Oman will be present during the exercise.

Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) is an annual professional military exercise focusing on specific missions and tasks in Pakistan. The exercise requires the highest level of physical fitness, mental agility/strength, and professional military expertise to make quick decisions in various situations while conducting challenging missions in a near-real environment.

The goal and objectives of this exercise revolve around perseverance, as demonstrated through team spirit. In addition to interoperability, the exercise would help hone basic soldierly attributes by sharing innovative ideas and mutual best practices.

What is the Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS)?

The Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) conducts exercise as a professional military exercise in Pakistan. The exercise is mission-specific and task-based.

It fosters team spirit by combining participants’ professional military skills and tactical understanding.

PATS Closing Ceremony at Kharian Garrison

An impressive closing ceremony was held at Kharian Garrison to conclude the 7th Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) Exercise-2024. The rigorous 60-hour “Patrolling Exercise” aimed to improve combat skills by allowing forum participants to share innovative ideas and experiences.

Chief Guest, COAS General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M) 

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M), was the honored guest for the occasion.

When Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir arrived in Mangla, Corps Commander Mangla received the COAS.

There were seven Pakistan Army teams and fifteen friendly countries that took part in the exercise: the United States of America (USA), Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bahrain, Jordan, Kazakhstan, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Maldives, Morocco, and Qatar. Observers from Azerbaijan, China, Germany, Indonesia, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Myanmar witnessed the exercise.

The exercise took place on February 25-27, 2024, in the semi-mountainous terrain of Punjab. Over the years, the exercise has grown in prominence as a highly competitive professional military activity for friendly countries.

COAS General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M), addressed the ceremony

While addressing the ceremony, COAS General Syed Asim Munir praised the participating teams for their professionalism, physical and mental endurance, and high morale throughout the exercise.

COAS emphasized the importance of mutual learning during such exercises and stated that PATS is the appropriate forum for combining the professional military skills and tactical understanding of all participating soldiers, fostering much-needed team spirit in the face of war’s changing character.

In light of this, the Pakistan Army preserves the valuable qualities of “character, courage, and competence, which have amply been displayed by our men in the face of the fight against terrorism.”

In the end, COAS General Syed Asim Munir presented individual and team awards to the exercise participants. International observers and defense attachés from participating countries also attended the ceremony and praised its professionalism.


The 7th Pakistan Army Team Spirit (PATS) Exercise-2024 recently concluded, with a focus on mission-specific and task-oriented military training. This international exercise brought together 20 allied and friendly countries, demonstrating the spirit of cooperation and camaraderie among nations. 

The exercise began with a prestigious opening ceremony at the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) in Pabbi, Pakistan. Which highlighted the commitment to improving military capabilities and promoting regional security. 

The PATS Exercise is an annual event that demonstrates Pakistan’s commitment to professional military training and international cooperation. This multinational military drill in northwest Pakistan exemplifies the ongoing efforts to promote collaboration and readiness among participating nations.

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